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Post by 8DonCo Fri Nov 10, 2023 10:22 pm

The water has turned a shocking shade of magenta in this Hawaii refuge

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The pond at the Kealia Pond National Wildlife Refuge in Maui, Hawaii, turned pink.

A pond in Hawaii looks like something right out of a fairy tale. Water at the Kealia Pond National Wildlife Refuge, one of the few coastal salt marshes on the island of Maui, has been bright pink since at least October 30, officials say, after its salt content surged amid an extreme drought.

Water samples sent to the University of Hawaii suggest that halobacteria is behind the pond’s new magenta hue, according to the US Fish and Wildlife Service.

Halobacteria are single-celled organisms that thrive in very salty water, like the Great Salt Lake and the Dead Sea. The bacterium is considered a so-called extremophile because of its ability to live in such an extreme environment – in this case, one where the water salinity is twice that of seawater, Fish and Wildlife noted.

While Kealia literally means “salt encrustation,” the pond’s salinity has skyrocketed well beyond normal because of Maui’s extreme drought. The entire island is in severe or worse drought, according to the US Drought Monitor. The area where the Kealia Pond refuge is located is in what’s considered an extreme drought – the second-worst on the Drought Monitor’s scale.

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Post by saurieng2016 Sat Nov 11, 2023 7:35 am

vừa chiến tranh, vừa trái đất biến đổi, covid, chất độc da cam..... toàn là do con người làm ra

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Post by LoveStory08 Sat Nov 11, 2023 1:16 pm

Must be man made


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