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Is it true ?

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Is it true ? Empty Is it true ?

Post by 8DonCo Sat Aug 20, 2022 10:30 am

Hay là chỉ joking? 😀😀

[ltr]Well it’s to do with Geography. Most of the world’s washing machine makers are in the Northern Hemisphere, and as Australia is in the Southern Hemisphere the machines would be upside down and thus not work very well. So in Australia you need to install your machine upside down for it to function, and this makes it difficult to read the instructions.[/ltr]
[ltr]For this reason most Aussies prefer to use the old fashioned method of bashing clothes on the rocks to wash them.[/ltr]

Is it true ? C7f64202b0357f04c779d805f437c5fc

Is it true ? JQrjmZ


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