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EIGHT planes put on lockdown at Heathrow Airport amid Coronavirus fear

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EIGHT planes put on lockdown at Heathrow Airport amid Coronavirus fear Empty EIGHT planes put on lockdown at Heathrow Airport amid Coronavirus fear

Post by 8DonCo Fri Feb 14, 2020 11:25 pm

Eight planes have been put on lockdown at Heathrow Airport after passengers complained of coronavirus symptoms.
Passengers on a United Airlines flights from San Francisco have been left grounded on the plane after landing because someone onboard may have caught the deadly virus.

Both Public Health England and Heathrow officials have yet to release details about Friday morning’s incident that could involve hundreds of passengers.
United Airlines have confirmed that someone had ‘become unwell’ while on board Flight 901 from San Francisco.
‘Our team at London Heathrow Airport is providing assistance related to United flight 901 (San Francisco-London Heathrow) today, following reports of an individual becoming unwell onboard,’ a statement by United Airlines read.
‘The safety of our customers and employees is our highest priority and we continue to work closely with local authorities. ‘It is not clear what happened to the passenger who became unwell, nor where they had travelled from.’

Travellers revealed that they were warned by the plane’s caption that they could be on the tarmac for quite some time as ‘seven other planes’ also had suspected cases.
A passenger was then led to the back of the aircraft until health officials arrived.
Other passengers had to fill in a form before workers in hazmat suits came to clean the plane.

‘We were told to stay sat until authorities came on board, and he [the captain] said that seven other flights had landed and had a similar situation,’ passenger Andy West told the Mail Online.
‘I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worried, my mind started to race.
Andy West then said every other passenger was allowed to leave half-an-hour later.
Although no cases of the coronavirus have been recorded in San Francisco, there have now been 15 cases of the virus in the US with six cases alone in the state of California.
Travellers from China have been banned by the US government from entering the country for the past two weeks.
Nine people in the UK have now been tested positive with the virus.

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EIGHT planes put on lockdown at Heathrow Airport amid Coronavirus fear Empty Re: EIGHT planes put on lockdown at Heathrow Airport amid Coronavirus fear

Post by 8DonCo Fri Feb 14, 2020 11:25 pm

giờ khỏi đi đâu, 1 người bịnh là nó lock down trước rồi tính sau

EIGHT planes put on lockdown at Heathrow Airport amid Coronavirus fear C7f64202b0357f04c779d805f437c5fc

EIGHT planes put on lockdown at Heathrow Airport amid Coronavirus fear JQrjmZ


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EIGHT planes put on lockdown at Heathrow Airport amid Coronavirus fear Empty Re: EIGHT planes put on lockdown at Heathrow Airport amid Coronavirus fear

Post by ga10 Fri Feb 14, 2020 11:32 pm

1 người bị trên máy bay thì tui hiểu.  Nhưng tui 0 hiểu tại sao 8 chiếc máy bay cùng 1 chổ đều bị lockdown hết tại sao vậy?

Chắc phải có ai cố tình spread virus trong 8 chiếc máy bay này quá???!!! Vậy là 8 chiếc đều là United Airlines đi từ SFO sang Heathrow hết bị grounded hay là sao tui 0 hiểu?


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EIGHT planes put on lockdown at Heathrow Airport amid Coronavirus fear Empty Re: EIGHT planes put on lockdown at Heathrow Airport amid Coronavirus fear

Post by 8DonCo Fri Feb 14, 2020 11:38 pm

ga10 wrote:1 người bị trên máy bay thì tui hiểu.  Nhưng tui 0 hiểu tại sao 8 chiếc máy bay cùng 1 chổ đều bị lockdown hết tại sao vậy?

Chắc phải có ai cố tình spread virus trong 8 chiếc máy bay này quá???!!!  Vậy là 8 chiếc đều là United Airlines đi từ SFO sang Heathrow hết bị grounded hay là sao tui 0 hiểu?

hình như người đó ở chung 1 tarmac với mấy chuyên bay kia

EIGHT planes put on lockdown at Heathrow Airport amid Coronavirus fear C7f64202b0357f04c779d805f437c5fc

EIGHT planes put on lockdown at Heathrow Airport amid Coronavirus fear JQrjmZ


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EIGHT planes put on lockdown at Heathrow Airport amid Coronavirus fear Empty Re: EIGHT planes put on lockdown at Heathrow Airport amid Coronavirus fear

Post by vietnam4all Sat Feb 15, 2020 11:22 am

Oh boy, tui cũng hên không đi FL this weekend.

Tụi nó kêu tui đi FL this sunday, thứ 5 về lại. Chuyến này sẽ từ chối hết.


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EIGHT planes put on lockdown at Heathrow Airport amid Coronavirus fear Empty Re: EIGHT planes put on lockdown at Heathrow Airport amid Coronavirus fear

Post by Jen-Lo Sat Feb 15, 2020 1:01 pm

vietnam4all wrote:Oh boy, tui cũng hên không đi FL this weekend.

Tụi nó kêu tui đi FL this sunday, thứ 5 về lại. Chuyến này sẽ từ chối hết.

FL có Jen-Lo mà từ chối không đi :kickass: :dapdau:


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EIGHT planes put on lockdown at Heathrow Airport amid Coronavirus fear Empty Re: EIGHT planes put on lockdown at Heathrow Airport amid Coronavirus fear

Post by 8DonCo Sat Feb 15, 2020 1:49 pm

Laugh Laugh

EIGHT planes put on lockdown at Heathrow Airport amid Coronavirus fear C7f64202b0357f04c779d805f437c5fc

EIGHT planes put on lockdown at Heathrow Airport amid Coronavirus fear JQrjmZ


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