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Thương vợ quá có thể ở tù

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Happy Thương vợ quá có thể ở tù

Post by 8DonCo Mon Sep 02, 2019 11:42 am

Man arrested in Singapore Changi Airport for buying ticket just to wave his wife off at the gate

With an on-site butterfly dome, cactus garden and four-story slide, Singapore's Changi airport regularly tops rankings of the best airports in the world.
But some travelers are taking a little too much of a shine to it.

The Singapore Police Force has issued a warning to residents not to "misuse" their boarding passes after a man was arrested for buying a ticket in order to walk his wife to the gate.
The misuse of boarding passes is an offense in Singapore, where transit areas are considered "protected places

Anyone accessing the gate-side areas at Changi without intending to fly can be prosecuted under Singapore's Infrastructure Protection Act and fined up to S$20,000 (US$14,300) or imprisoned for up to two years. Thirty three people have been arrested under the legislation in the first eight months of 2019.

Police said the 27-year-old bought a ticket purely to walk his wife to the gate, and had "no intention to depart Singapore."

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Happy Re: Thương vợ quá có thể ở tù

Post by Jen-Lo Mon Sep 02, 2019 12:22 pm

Khùng :Giggling: :Giggling: giống cha nội vn4all quá.


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