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Dân chạy xe Tesla là WORST drivers

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Dân chạy xe Tesla là WORST drivers Empty Dân chạy xe Tesla là WORST drivers

Post by 8DonCo Wed Dec 20, 2023 8:41 am

Còn dân chạy xe BMW là dân nhậu Very Happy Very Happy 

Tesla drivers had highest accident rate, BMW drivers highest DUI rate, study finds

  • With 24 accidents per 1,000 drivers during the period from mid-November 2022 to mid-November 2023, Tesla drivers clocked in with the worst accident rate in the U.S., according to a study by Lending Tree, ahead of Ram and Subaru drivers.

  • BMW drivers were the most likely to engage in driving under the influence, the researchers found, with 3 DUIs per 1,000 drivers in a year, about twice the rate of DUIs among Ram drivers, who were the second worst drivers in this regard.

  • Accidents, DUIs, speeding and other citations can all lead to higher insurance rates for drivers.

  • Tesla

     drivers in the U.S. were involved in accidents at a higher rate than drivers of any other brand of vehicle over the past year, according to a new study of 30 automotive brands by LendingTree.

    The researchers analyzed quotes from people looking to insure their own vehicles, and did not include accident or incident data involving drivers of rental cars, a spokesperson for LendingTree told CNBC by email on Tuesday.

    The study said: “It’s hard to nail down why certain brands may have higher accident rates than others. However, there are indications that certain types of vehicles attract riskier drivers than others.”

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Dân chạy xe Tesla là WORST drivers Empty Re: Dân chạy xe Tesla là WORST drivers

Post by saurieng2016 Wed Dec 20, 2023 9:01 am

chắc vừa chạy Tesla, vừa để ý bà con có chịu ngắm nghía tui chạy Tesla không nè, không còn tập trung vào lái xe nữa :Giggling: Laugh

Dân chạy xe Tesla là WORST drivers T5109


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Dân chạy xe Tesla là WORST drivers Empty Re: Dân chạy xe Tesla là WORST drivers

Post by Torpedo Wed Dec 20, 2023 10:46 am

Makes sense. Most tesla drivers are techie nerdy smartass 😂


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Dân chạy xe Tesla là WORST drivers Empty Re: Dân chạy xe Tesla là WORST drivers

Post by ga10 Wed Dec 20, 2023 10:56 am

Bửa trước có ai post cái article about Tesla recalling their cars with the self-driving options bởi vì most of their accidents were due to people using that option and not paying attention like they should.

Cái vụ self-driving vẩn (dấu hỏi hay ngã đây?) còn mới quá I don't trust it yet!


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