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Trump ăn qụit

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Trump ăn qụit Empty Trump ăn qụit

Post by Cheap Man Sat Apr 03, 2021 1:41 am

Trump’s ex-bodyguard says former president owes him $130 for McDonald’s order

Trump ăn qụit GettyImages-1128642136

U.S. President Donald Trump speaks behind a table full of McDonald’s hamburgers, Chick fil-a sandwiches and other fast food as he welcomes the 2018 Football Division I FCS champs North Dakota State Bison in the Diplomatic Room of the White House on March 4, 2019 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Oliver Contreras-Pool/Getty Images)

(WTRF) — A former bodyguard of Donald Trump says the former president owes him $130 for a McDonald’s order placed over a decade ago, reported The Daily Mail.
Kevin McKay said after visiting a golf course in Scotland in 2008, Trump wanted to go to McDonald’s but he didn’t have any UK currency.
“So he asked me if I could front him the cash,” McKay said. He said he paid for an order of 20 cheeseburgers and fries and around 10 to 15 Cokes.
“He told me he would pay me back, but he never did,” he told the Daily Mail.
McKay said $130 at the time was kind of a big deal to him because he only made about $2,700 a month while working for Trump.

McKay said he should have asked for the money.
“I kept thinking he would say, ‘Kevin, here’s that money I owe you,’ but it didn’t happen,” he told the Daily Mail.
McKay said he was fired in 2012, and he claims the stress of working for Trump ultimately cost him his 23-year marriage.

Cheap Man

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Trump ăn qụit Empty BHMZTiCjmD

Post by Cuai Sat Apr 03, 2021 7:46 am

Joe Biden ăn hối lộ 1.5 tỉ US dollars


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Trump ăn qụit Empty BHMZTiCjmD

Post by Cuai Sat Apr 03, 2021 7:52 am

Joe Biden là tên đại lừa bịp...



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Trump ăn qụit Empty BHMZTiCjmD

Post by Cuai Sat Apr 03, 2021 7:59 am


Bịnh lú lẫn của Joe Biden ngày càng nguy kịch. Trời ơi nước Mỹ có một ông tổng thống ngu đần lãnh đạo nước Mỹ Trump ăn qụit 978502053


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Trump ăn qụit Empty BHMZTiCjmD

Post by Cuai Sat Apr 03, 2021 8:05 am

Con trai của Joe Biden ngủ với vợ của anh trai mình. Gia đình của Joe Biden là gia đình vô đạo đức.


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Trump ăn qụit Empty BHMZTiCjmD

Post by Cuai Sat Apr 03, 2021 8:15 am

Biden lú lẫn nặng lắm rồi. Bởi vậy ổng chỉ là một ông tổng thống bù nhìn...


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Trump ăn qụit Empty IaxvqacIZc

Post by Trump xạo ke Sat Apr 03, 2021 8:18 am

Trump cay cú vì phải đóng 185 ngàn USD tiền thuế bên Tàu thành ra vô cùng ghen tức khi nói rằng "Con trai của Biden bước ra khỏi Trung Quốc với 1,5 tỷ đô la trong quỹ mà các quỹ lớn nhất trên thế giới không thể nào moi được tiền ra khỏi Trung Quốc" (Biden’s son walks out of China with $1.5 billion in a fund and the biggest funds in the world can’t get money out of China).

Theo The Washington Post thì "Hunter Biden tham gia hội đồng quản trị của một công ty tư vấn đầu tư mới thành lập, được gọi là BHR, có các đối tác bao gồm các công ty Trung Quốc. Các chi nhánh của công ty cố vấn cho biết họ có kế hoạch huy động 1,5 tỷ đô la (tiền vốn)." Chuyện nó là như thế!

Trump says Hunter Biden ‘walks out of China with $1.5 billion.’ Biden’s lawyer said that’s not true. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-says-hunter-biden-walks-out-of-china-with-15-billion-a-lawyer-says-thats-not-true/2019/09/25/26b89e7e-dfcf-11e9-8dc8-498eabc129a0_story.html

Trump xạo ke

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Trump ăn qụit Empty BHMZTiCjmD

Post by Cuai Sat Apr 03, 2021 8:35 am

Joe Biden cấu kết với con trai là Hunter Biden để ăn hối lộ


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Trump ăn qụit Empty ZXifpdwBfe

Post by Hello Sat Apr 03, 2021 11:41 am

only $130 cũng ăn giựt nữa Trump ăn qụit 2410351706


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